Chat by (1) : *** Looking up your hostname... : *** Found your hostname (cached) - 16/10/2010 13:50 - Welcome to - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - (_)_ __ ___ _ __ ___ (_) |__ | |__ (_) |_ _ __ ___| |_ - | | '__/ __| | '_ ` _ \| | '_ \| '_ \| | __| | '_ \ / _ \ __| - | | | | (__ _| | | | | | | |_) | |_) | | |_ _| | | | __/ |_ - |_|_| \___(_)_| |_| |_|_|_.__/|_.__/|_|\__(_)_| |_|\___|\__| - - This server is for individuals 13 years or older. Channels that - place themselves on Mibbit to issue and supply illegal items, - such as File Downloads, Music Tracks or other operations deemed - Illegal will be removed, and/or reported to the relevant Internet - Service Providers, and/or authorities. - - Please be friendly and watch your language in public channels. - Do not impersonate other users, abuse will not be tolerated. - - Mibbit Staff: Axod Azander Havvy - Hercule Joshua Kitsune - Molkmin Pottsi Sindacious - - Enjoy your stay :) - --axod +++ tiptaptip set to mode +iwx *** tiptaptip joined #tiptaptip +++ set the channel to mode +n +++ set the channel to mode +t *** NotoriousSUZ joined #tiptaptip *** scarboroughdude joined #tiptaptip : Dam- that Meadows theme song! : You should get him a London Drugs basket *** scarboroughdude quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) : So awful. : I think that's fake : No way a dad would do that : Cool! : Ruh-oh. *** satmornpoke joined #tiptaptip : pretty big jump : petifile yes racist no : that new lady was the worst : news : $100!! : me too *** satmornpoke quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) : OMG : Fuck, I would press charges : Maybe she has leprosy? : Ok, I just went to the link. Hilarious. : That guy needs NASA onboard. : The Flaming Lips do it all the time : I bet he's yankin' it in there. : It would be fun : I like the blow-up mask though. It would be good for Halloween : *** NotoriousSUZ quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) @tiptaptip Send