*** tiptaptip joined #tiptaptip : is this miku the vocaliod : nvm : HARPISCORD : what ep is it : there sould be a 200 count down : go call the gay hot line again : what is the number : but again what is the number : oh wait : let here read : i want to eat that : chocolate would be awesomw : awe you guy won't let people call during the live show : it is hallarious *** victriviaqueen joined #tiptaptip : hi : hey. still muted for a few minutes : (afk for a bit) : yeah but it funny : and is scared forlife : nice that kid is the future of pot : you married him : snaple facts are all true : that is not true : you should let us call during the pod cast : so obvious : gragebanhd is a multiloop program : try ooking it on to sykpe : nvm that won't work : rage against the back button on mouses : Australia has the most incest marriages : ... elaborate : potassium *** victriviaqueen quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) *** mib_0nhnlz joined #tiptaptip : http://www.360east.com/?p=133 : maybe that will work : are you sure? *** mib_0nhnlz quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0795328/faq : coat hangers? : eric do a female voice : nooo : sadis : sadistic : wow : that is fucken awesome : yay terminators : omg he is a cybog : we have the technology to make him betterr, stronger faster : we can make him stronger better faster : and the nerves wont mactch up : imcompatible nervious sytems : hell yeah : lets eat him : yeah lets : lets ill join youy : cab drivers are supposed to drive you to places not be nice to you : if you want people to be nice to you go get a hooker : or call the 9 line : 1800-999-9999 : maybe cuase im in ny : there are cameras in NYC cabs : it is a new SNAKES ON A PLANE : that sucked : yeahh : nope : i would gra its mouth : grab : i should : the chat might turn into a a cursing contest thought' : you should update that on the show info : I will. : ok : stupid back button : hopefully I can figure out the calling thing for the show. : Anyways, see you later. : i posted a link to something that might be useful : bye *** TheDrunk quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) : Copying the chat transcript. I'll check it out.