Tag: Make Evilmister

  • TTT 14: Pizza Party Bubblebath

    TTT 14: Pizza Party Bubblebath

    Shane joins us in the Tip Tap Tip “studio” only because we fed him pizza before the show. In return he gives us his take on hotel management and super-powers. Guest: Shane Episode Links: Make Evilmister eat a Subway Lobster Sandwich. Please comment on his entry. Download the episode http://media.blubrry.com/tiptaptip/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/www.archive.org/download/Ttt14PizzaPartyBubblebath/ttt14.mp3Podcast: DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | TuneIn…

  • TTT 13: Bride of Tip Tap Tip

    TTT 13: Bride of Tip Tap Tip

    Eric thinks Jennifer Tilly is smoking hot. Rachelle doesn’t get it. Then again, Eric Doesn’t get Rachelle’s obsession with Colin Firth in riding boots. However, we both agree that cats in costumes are awesome and that piss bottles are gross. Episode Links: Make Evilmister eat a Subway Lobster Sandwich. Please comment on his entry. Meow…