TTT 524: Push of a Button
Eric & Rachelle get office casual and talk about how the pandemic working from home best practices; weird relationship advice; a comedic movie (not really) and how Eric will damage his body for a laugh. The Tip Tap Tip Playlist on Spotify Yota – The Vibe Blue Hawaii – I Felt Love (Suzanne Kraft Remix)…
TTT 523: Anatomically Incorrect
It’s a new full of flying cars, robot helpers, and jetpacks. The earth has now entered into a utopia. Everything is fantastic. There’s no pandemic. There’s no loss of self and crippling anxiety and sudden crying spells. We can see our friends again and go out and have beers together. Oh wait. In this episode,…
TTT 522: Building Blocks
We’re channeling our inner Martha Stewart this episode and we decide to get a bit crafty. In addition, we talk about what we’ve up to – which is not a lot with a global pandemic and everything. Kids toy trends are weird as they are every year. What else is new? No really. Anything new?…
TTT 521: According To Plan
Well, it’s happened. Eric & Rachelle got a pet. So now Tip Tap Tip is going to an all-cat format. We hope you like cat stories, cat memes, cat songs, and cat content, because that’s what we’re doing from this point forward. Also, we got Eurovision news and Eric is upset that the metal monolith…
TTT 520: Eric & Rachelle Go Boating
We don’t actually go boating in this episode. We might though if we weren’t forced to stay in because of COVID and winter storms. So with that in mind, we lean in a lot on TV and movies is this episode. Also, we see what David Lynch is up to and watch some trailers for…
TTT 519: Pizza Party
It’s Winter! Let’s get snuggly. In this episode Eric & Rachelle get excited about typical homeowner stuff like appliances; brainstorm custom license plates; and welcome their new furry houseguest. The Tip Tap Tip Playlist on Spotify Bronson – Know Me (feat. Gallant (Cassian Remix) WhoMadeWho – Hamstring (feat. Michael Mayer) https://media.blubrry.com/tiptaptip/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/tiptaptip/ttt519.mp3Podcast: DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts…
TTT 518: Podcast Vérité
Eric & Rachelle spend some time discussing their latest obsessions. It could be Fortnite or hair videos. Also, we check in on John Cage’s comedic masterpiece and strengthen the case for us getting chickens. The Tip Tap Tip Playlist on Spotify Mat Zo – Problems Toukan Toukan – Mangrove https://media.blubrry.com/tiptaptip/dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/tiptaptip/ttt518.mp3Podcast: DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | TuneIn…
TTT 517: How Does Your Garden Grow?
It’s late summer so Eric & Rachelle have decided to take the show to Studio D (the deck). KFC pivots on their slogan; brain implants in pigs; hyperloops in our backyard; and relationship advice – all while basking in the summer sun. The Tip Tap Tip Playlist on Spotify Fenne Lily – Alapathy Hen Ogledd…
TTT 516: All You Can Eat
It’s summer and Eric and Rachelle are back talking about bad stuff, good stuff, funny stuff, weird stuff, and other stuff too. Also, Rachelle will adopt any pet (except bugs) named after her and. Eric will fight you over truffle oil. The Tip Tap Tip Playlist on Spotify Greg Phillinganes – Behind The Mask Sean…
TTT 515: The Carnival is Over
Hi! Remember us? It’s Eric & Rachelle. You may know us as the semi-frequent hosts of Tip Tap Tip. We’re here to tell you what we’ve been up to the last two months. It involves a lot of money and destroying things. Also, don’t take all the good french fries. Deal? Thanks! The Tip Tap…